Once a pro-writer wannabe, but due to some certain circumstances, I became a full-time Nursing student.
A part-time business woman who loves to cook, to read, and of course, to write.
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This is my emotional outlet. Read... and bear with it.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ 1:28 AM
I have this friend who is a seminarian. Actually I haven't meet him yet. Another friend just gave him my number and after that, we had each other on our Friendster accounts. I don't really like having unknown people as textmates, but since the other guy's my friend and he knows the seminarian, and the fact that he's a seminarian, and he can only use his phone during Sundays (no phones allowed inside), I felt the "pity" to text this person.
One time, I got spiritually low and this person helped me. Well, it's not a surprise. After all, he's a seminarian. Imagine studying Theology for the whole year. This guy, at any chance he can get, forwards inspirational quotes, which I find worthy to be kept in my inbox.
So earlier this evening, it was a surprise that he sent a PM through YM saying he's sad. Why he's sad? Guess what. A heart problem! I was like shocked and I find it funny because of the fact that he's a seminarian and all... Well, you know what I mean.
Surprisingly enough, he told me that he spent several nights crying, being depressed and all. I'm not going to tell the details but what I've said to him were pretty harsh for a down. I would have said something nice, not like "it's you your self giving you a hard time", and "crying is just an option; there are a lot of things worth crying for". At least I said sorry after those words.
What's more surprising while I was watching TV, after I forwarded a message that could hit the spot, he texted me if I could accompany him to drink. I agreed, thinking that it is impossible. I was grinning to myself then, "How on earth this guy who would be a priest someday say these things?" Actually, he was drinking with his friends at the moment. He said that if ever I would come to Manila, we'll have our drinking spree. I just replied a simple "hobah" (simplified 'oo ba'). I became nervous. What was I thinking?? I'm not a big fan of alcohol and to drink with this guy I barely know?? I have a lot of decency, you see. Yes, I do not mean my "hobah".
Then I it got into my nerves that no matter what he is, he's still a human. A human capable of loving, and being hurt. I should not be judging him or anything. Maybe I should give his offer a thinking.
I am thinking of him. I am also thinking how could that 'drinking spree' become impossible.